Monday, January 30, 2012

How to Stock a Vegetarian Pantry

A vegetarian pantry has different needs from a more general pantry. It is important to keep vegetarian foods on hand that will provide energy and nutrients; and substitutes for other non-vegetarian food products. This article will help you achieve you goal of a well-stocked and healthy vegetarian pantry, all in the span of just a few hours. 1. Clean out your pantry. If you are changing to a vegetarian diet, or even if you are simply updating an existing impoverished vegetarian pantry, it is time for a good clean out. Remove all out-dated food, any food with unsuitable animal-derived products (ovo-lacto vegetarians can keep more foods than vegans) and remove anything that lacks labels but you aren't quite sure what it is. Wipe down all the shelves and allow to dry. 2. Go shopping. It is always a good idea to stock a new pantry with as many fresh items as possible at the same time, so that the items date together. If you are simply restocking, keep items that are still plenty in date but note them. Make sure to write a list of the items that you need, so that you are not overwhelmed by choices or forgetful as to what you need. 3. Select your items in food groups. A vegetarian pantry that is stocked with the basics should contain: Grain products: rice (especially brown, arborio, jasmine, basmati and sweet), millet, couscous, quinoa, kasha, wild rice (aquatic grass), buckwheat, barley, polenta, and whole grain flours.Grain products: rice (especially brown, arborio, jasmine, basmati and sweet), millet, couscous, quinoa, kasha, wild rice (aquatic grass), buckwheat, barley, polenta, and whole grain flours. Pasta and noodles: pasta made from grain products (e.Pasta and noodles: pasta made from grain products (e.g., wheat pasta, rice pasta), noodles (e.g., udon, buckwheat etc.). Try to avoid quick-cook noodles; these tend to have a lot of the healthy nutrients removed and are often high in trans-fats. Legumes: dried legumes (peas, split peas, lentils, puy lentils, chickpeas/garbanzo, kidney beans, pinto beans etc.Legumes: dried legumes (peas, split peas, lentils, puy lentils, chickpeas/garbanzo, kidney beans, pinto beans etc.), tins/cans of legumes, shelf-stored tofu. Instant mixes for veggie burgers, falafels, etc.Instant mixes for veggie burgers, falafels, etc. Try to prefer organic options and low sodium. Vegetables and fruits: There are various ways of storing these in the pantry: Tins/cans of fruit in natural syrup, tins/cans of some vegetables. Tins/cans of fruit in natural syrup, tins/cans of some vegetables. Try to avoid sourcing a lot of your fruit and veggies in this way because canned varieties lose nutrients, have high sodium, and can leach chemicals from the can soldering/composition into the food over time. Always choose cans that are free from dents, and be sure to check use-by dates. Preserved fruit and vegetables. Preserved fruit and vegetables. Follow the instructions carefully if you make your own at home. Dehydrated fruits and veggies can also be kept in the pantry for reconstitution. Dehydrated fruits and veggies can also be kept in the pantry for reconstitution. Dried fruit. Dried fruit. A must for both eating and cooking with. Apricots, peaches, pears, apple, nectarines etc. are all great choices. Beware of added sugar; dried pineapple, strawberries, paw-paw, kiwifruit etc. often have considerable added sugar. Nuts and seeds: Nuts and seeds should be eaten quickly to ensure that they remain fresh.Nuts and seeds: Nuts and seeds should be eaten quickly to ensure that they remain fresh. Only purchase small amounts at a time. It is handy to always have on hand walnuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, cashews, pecans and sesame seeds. Peanuts are a personal choice given modern allergy problems. Nut and seed butters are also very useful to keep on hand; consider tahini, peanut butter, cashew nut butter, almond butter etc. Some require refrigeration on opening. Flavourings: There are a number of key flavourings that no vegetarian pantry should be without. These include: Nutritional yeast. Nutritional yeast Braggs amino acid, soy sauce, shoyu, tamari; look for low sodium options. Braggs amino acid, soy sauce, shoyu, tamari; look for low sodium options. Vegetable broth/stock cubes, liquid or powder - check ingredients carefully!. Vegetable broth/stock cubes, liquid or powder - check ingredients carefully! Cheese sauce or cheese substitute sauces in packets; packet soups Seasoned vegetable salt (there are numerous good brands around). Seasoned vegetable salt (there are numerous good brands around) Concentrated liquid stock or flavouring derived from vegetable, herb and spice sources (a few drops will do each use) Curry powder. Curry powder Seasonings such as herbs, spices, salt, pepper etc. Seasonings such as herbs, spices, salt, pepper etc. Dry your fresh herbs for seeing the winter through Seaweed products for seasoning, including dulse. Seaweed products for seasoning, including dulse Flavoured vinegars, dressings. Flavoured vinegars, dressings Sweeteners such as raw and organic sugar, stevia, rice syrup, agave syrup, honey, maple syrup, xylitol etc. source :

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